Statistics show that we are living longer and healthier lives and therefore have the opportunity to stay in employment for a longer period of time, prolonging retirement. The valuable contribution workers of all ages bring to the organisation is recognised. The organisation is committed to promoting an age-positive culture that embraces ageing in the workplace, ensuring that employees continue to feel supported and valued and recognising the unique challenges that arise with ageing in the workplace.
All managers are responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented.
Older Worker Definition
Older workers are those aged 50 years old and older. Typically, they have a vast amount of experience and knowledge due to the number of years they have been working and tend to be less likely to have occupational accidents and take less time off work. Where they do sustain injuries at work, the outcome can be more serious and they are more at risk of serious and fatal events at work such as heart attacks or strokes.
1. The organisation will work to identify all workplace hazards and conduct age-sensitive risk assessments to eliminate or control the associated risks. These risks will be regularly reviewed.
2. The organisation will consult with trade union safety representatives on all proposed action relating to the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees regardless of age.
3. The organisation will consult with all employees, particularly when major organisational or procedural changes are occurring.
4. The organisation will provide equality and diversity training to all managers and supervisors.
5. The organisation will provide resources for regular health checks for all employees, regardless of age.
6. The organisation will undertake regular reviews of the workforce make-up to establish whether departments show a higher proportion of older workers so that direct action can be taken.
7. The organisation will make reasonable adjustments to working environments, equipment and processes to enable employees to remain in roles that are fulfilling.
8. The organisation will provide support and retraining opportunities to employees who wish to continue working.
9. The organisation will ensure that age-related discrimination is not tolerated.
Managers will:
10. routinely review risk assessments within their area of responsibility and after significant changes, not just when an employee reaches a certain age
11. assess the activities involved in individual job roles and modify workplace design, equipment or environment where possible to enable workers to remain in the workplace for longer
12. ensure suitable and sufficient control measures are put into place and implemented where age-related risks are identified
13. encourage all employees to take up regular health checks available to them such as eye and hearing tests
14. delegate work tasks to employees based on capability and objective risk, rather than on age
15. ensure employees have adequate opportunities for rest, meals and refreshments
16. attend training as requested in effective health and safety management
17. ensure employees are fully trained to carry out their duties without causing harm to themselves and/or others
18. ensure employees are provided with developmental opportunities appropriate to their capabilities
19. ensure employees experiencing age-related ill health such as arthritis and sensory impairments have access to appropriate sources of advice and support
20. ensure lone workers are provided with adequate supervision and support, especially where health defects have been identified
21. support employees who have been off work due to age-related ill health or serious illness treatment to get back into their roles
22. champion an age-positive culture.
Health and Safety Advisors
Advisors will:
23. provide specialist advice on the hazards to which older workers are more at risk of being exposed
24. train and support managers in the age-sensitive risk assessment process
25. support individuals who have been off work with an age-related health issue or serious illness treatment and advise them and their management on a planned return to work
26. keep a central record of task-based risk assessments and check whether these are suitable and sufficient for all employees
27. provide appropriate awareness, training and refresher training to employees who may be more susceptible to specific work-related injuries
28. monitor and review the effectiveness of measures to reduce both physical and mental injuries to employees aged 50 and over
29. inform the Senior Management Team and the Health and Safety Committee of any legislative changes and developments related to older employees in the workplace.
Human Resources
Human resources will:
30. give guidance to managers on the older workers policy
31. assist in monitoring the effectiveness of measures to prevent workplace accidents which lead to long-term sickness absence
32. advise managers and individuals on training requirements
33. provide continuing support to managers and employees and encourage referral to specialist occupational health practitioners, where appropriate
34. support employees who have been off work with an age-related health issue or serious illness treatment and advise them and their management on a planned return to work
35. provide regular health check opportunities for all employees, regardless of age (including eyesight tests)
36. provide a health surveillance program for employees exposed to specific occupational hazards such as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) and noise.
Employees will:
37. attend all health and safety training courses as specified by their manager, to ensure they have the necessary skills to continue to work safely
38. consult their line manager/supervisor, safety representative or the human resources department on health matters that they believe may have an effect on their work, to ensure that reasonable adjustments can be considered.
Safety Representatives
Safety representatives must:
39. be meaningfully consulted on any changes to work practices or work design that could be detrimental to all employees regardless of age
40. be involved in the risk assessment process41. be able to consult with members on the issue of health and safety and those relevant to older workers, including conducting any workplace surveys
42. be invited to conduct joint inspections of the workplace to ensure that the working environment is properly controlled to prevent accidents, incidents and ill physical and mental health.
Role of the Safety Committee
The Safety Committee will:
43. perform a pivotal role in ensuring that this policy is implemented
44. oversee monitoring of the efficacy of the policy and other measures to ensure older workers are not subject to victimisation, harassment, direct or indirect discrimination in the workplace and promote workplace health and safety.
Information and Training
Training is important for employees of all ages. Suitable information and training will be provided to all employees to enable them to carry out their work tasks safely. Training needs will be identified and reviewed by managers and supervisors. Self-paced training will be available to accommodate the differing individual learning styles.